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Hat trick success at Breckland Planning Committee

Clayland Architects had three separate projects for private clients at Breckland DC Planning Committee this week. I attended myself to give moral support and I am pleased to say that all three schemes were approved. The first scheme was for the conversion of existing ...

Getting back to nature

Otter spotting We’re a pretty lucky bunch here at Clayland Architects; our office is set in the heart of Thetford Forest, close to Lynford Hall and Lynford Waters. The arboretum adjacent our office is abundant with wildlife and is a popular spot for bird...

Planning application fee changes pushed to 2018

Delays in Parliamentary approval mean that the legislation to increase fees by 20% and introduce new categories in regard to applications for Permission in Principle will not come into force until the New Year. The draft SI was ‘laid’ before parliament and...

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our new updated website. The last number of years has seen the practice grow from strength to strength, with new exciting projects being completed for our growing number of clients. We have recently also expanded our staff and with this in mind we have...